by | Aug 21, 2019 | Channeling
Dear Ones, Many beings have been coming through to let you know of the breakthrough you have now accomplished. This was not accomplished in a blink, but through a slow, arduous process. It was accomplished by you, the lightworkers, the starseeds, by planning and...
by | Aug 19, 2019 | Channeling
Dear Ones, Many of you will begin to (or have begun to) have what we would call memory bleed through or break through from other experiences of other lives. We do not mean lives of your current Earth incarnation soul fragment. We are talking of memories that come to...
by | Aug 12, 2019 | Channeling
Dear Ones, There is currently a removal of density on your planet the likes of which has never happened in your history or any other. It has been a gradual process to allow each physical vessel to adjust. However, at times, the density is removed in such a way that it...
by | Aug 8, 2019 | Channeling
Dear Ones, The energy coming through you right now – and we will say through you, not your star and not your planet – is of a higher vibration, you might say, than what you are accustomed to. But you have been slowly rising to meet this wave or frequency....
by | Aug 5, 2019 | Channeling, The Event
Now my dears, you see that it has begun. For the (what you would call) “unawakened”, these are the times in which huge occurrences will happen to wake them from their complacency. To wake them from being asleep to the idea of unity. These are the times when they will...
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