by | Jan 9, 2023 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, We can support you today by letting you know, as we frequently do, that you are greatly loved and admired by so many – not only by your fellow humans but by so many beings in various densities and dimensions. We tell you this because we know the...
by | Jan 3, 2023 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, You are always connected to your higher states of being. We wish to remind you of this because we can see that on your planet, at this time, there is much to divert your attention. We know that it is easy to live only on the Earth level and not think about...
by | May 3, 2021 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, The message we have for you today is about the way in which you go about “finding yourselves”. We mean that you are all very concerned with reaching that higher state of mind where your guidance can be accessed. We will tell you that you are always...
by | Dec 21, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, Throughout the times of existence there, you have maintained your connection to the light inside of you – that which has always connected you to your true self. And you have always sought ways to celebrate and enhance that connection because, as small...
by | Mar 23, 2020 | Ascension, Channeling
Dear Ones, We are pleased to be back with you through this particular channel. Each channel on your planet at this time brings forward a different aspect of our messages through their particular “filter” so to speak, and we enjoy seeing how you interpret and take in...
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