
Embrace the beauty of change and step into new cycles of growth, leaving behind what no longer serves you.

Dear Ones,

At this moment there is one thing we wish you to consider. It is the state of being in which you wish to reside. You are living in a free-will environment. And as such, you have the ability to shift your life in any way you wish at any time you wish.

Now, we know you have been told by some that you have certain contracts with one or more of your fellow beings there. But we would ask that you keep in mind that part of those contracts may be to dissolve them when they no longer serve you.

There are cycles of experience just like there are cycles of time. Your contracts with others are not necessarily life-long. You may have stages of evolution throughout your life. And as such, you will have times when you have completed one stage, and, in order to grow, you must move on to the next stage.

We tell you this because you have something there called nostalgia. We think this is an excellent word to use to describe why you stay in cycles that are no longer serving you. We find it interesting that it is easier for some of you to stay in the present moment – if that present moment is keeping you from feeling the fear that sometimes comes when change is imminent.

And so, we would suggest that you approach new stages of your life with anticipation of the experiences that are soon to come. Just as you look back with fondness at things that are difficult to let go of or release now, you will have new experiences which bring you as much happiness in the future.

What is not desired there is stagnancy. And we can see that you know when you are at a place or point in time when there is no more potential for expansion. We wish to encourage you to step into a new cycle. And we would tell you that the new things you will learn will be so enjoyable that you will be very happy you did not remain in the old cycles.

As always we are here in service to you.

And we thank you.

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Approach new stages of your life with anticipation of the experiences that are soon to come.