Why We Don’t Remember Our Past Lives – Example Two
Dude, That's Your Mom! A short answer to why we don't remember our past lives is because each life is like a play we set up specifically to experience a certain thing. Or a series of certain things. Or a tapestry of things woven together. But let's look at another...
Why We Don’t Remember Our Past Lives – Example One
Looking For a Product or Packaging That No Longer Exists In home-school social studies this month we are studying early colonization in North America. As a fun activity, we are doing quill writing. Unfortunately, we don't keep quills in our house, nor ink for quill...
Are My Children Remembering Past Lives?
I'm pretty open minded about a lot of things. I mean, I'm a past life regressionist for goodness sake. You have to be pretty open minded to go with that, right? But occasionally my children say things that take me by surprise and leave me wondering what the heck is...
Elsewhere: A View to the Other Side
Afterlife Communication When my parents were 20-somethings years ago, they made a pact with their friends: If any of them died before New Year's Eve 1999, they would come back and show the others proof that there is life after death. They lost one friend in the mid...
Who Is Your Soulmate?
When most people think of the word "soulmate" it conjures up ideas of a romantic partner. But more than that, a soulmate is usually thought of as someone who you are not complete without. When you meet that person, everything falls into place and you just know. It's...
Medieval France and My Thyroid Issues – Past Life Answers
For the past couple of months I've been on a medical journey. After experiencing extreme fatigue for the umpteenth time over the past 20+ years I went to see my doctor. As usual, he ran the "standard tests" and as usual they all came back "normal". This time I decided...
The Most Horrible and Best Past Life Regression I Ever Had
I’ve always told people that even frightening past lives aren’t so bad. After all, that life is done. It’s over. You are no longer there and, generally speaking, you don’t truly experience the horrifying parts as if you are still there. So what happens when you...
Where Do I Start? A Spiritual Book List Guide
I talk about a lot of books. I've read a lot of books. These are just a few of the ones that made a lasting impression, and that I would recommend. Enjoy! Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Richard Bach In Illusions, the unforgettable follow-up...
The Merchant
You might think from reading my other past life descriptions that I was always a young, wealthy woman. La dee dah! Well, no. In fact, I have had as many past life regressions as a male than as a female. In this particular past life regression, I was after any...